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Sheepdog Creed

​Talk to your family and friends. Talk with your pastor. Talk to whoever will listen. Tell them you are a SHEEPDOG!

The Sheepdog Creed

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As a Sheepdog, I am a companion to shepherds and a protector of the flock. My fundamental calling is to support and protect the Church; to aid pastors in watching over their congregations (Acts 20:28), to safeguard lives and property, to maintain order; and to be an instrument for Peace and Security so all people may gather in Jesus' name to pray, worship and study in a sanctuary of safety and security (Ps. 5:11).
I will keep my life temperate and above reproach, maintaining self-control in the face of danger and temptation; I will be respectable and hospitable (1 Tim. 3:2); honoring others above myself and being constantly mindful of their welfare (Rom. 12:10). I will be well-trained; technically and tactically proficient; disciplined, physically and mentally tough, ready to meet the challenges of my calling: executing justice and mercy for God.
To my congregation and pastor, I promise sustained, just and honorable support. I promise to be a professional, courteous and kind. I promise to always be ready to respond to emergency situations and to engage threats to the Church.
To my Lord and Master, I promise to find my Peace and Strength in You Alone, to Study Frequently, Pray Continuously, Worship Constantly and Love You Eternally, for I am a Servant and Guardian of the Kingdom of God. (Ps. 28:7, 127:1)
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Your Loyal Companion in Christ