Notify – Aid
Service for Notifications, Equipment & Supplies for Medical Emergencies
Essential Equipment for Church Safety Teams
Featuring Items from the Sheepdog Church Security Store [1]

From the Bible
There are several notifications described in the Bible. There are also several references to items for treating wounds and illness.
“Announce in Judah and proclaim in Jerusalem and say: ‘Sound the trumpet throughout the land!’ Cry aloud and say: ‘Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities!’" (Jeremiah 4:5)
When you hear them sound a long blast on the trumpets, have the whole army give a loud shout; (Joshua 6:5
… and they called the whole community together ... (Numbers 1:18)
Medical Supplies
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. (Psalm 147:3)
He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. (Luke 10:34)
Then Isaiah said, “Prepare a poultice of figs.” They did so and applied it to the boil, and he recovered. (2 Kings 20:7)
Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wound of my people? (Jeremiah 8:22)
I counsel you to buy from me ... salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. (Revelation 3:18)
Help on the Way
(a scenario)
Madeline Byers wavered slightly as she came through the door of Solid Rock Fellowship. She paused briefly with her hand on the door jamb, then walked the rest of the way in. "Are you all right, Sister Byers?" Jane Thomas, the greeter, reached out her hand to help.
"I'll be OK, Janey. Thank you." Madeline smiled, took the bulletin, turned toward the sanctuary, then stalled, lost her balance, and fell. Jane bent over Madeline, then turned her head and waved to John Smith of the Eyes & Ears Team, beckoning him. He hurried over.
John took her vital signs. Her heart was beating and she was breathing, but was semi-conscious. He checked her eyes. Pulling out his smart phone, he selected "Care Team" on the Alert App, and texted, "Need medic, entry, possible stroke." Dr. Ray Bonner texted back, "I'll be there."
Equipped to Make the Call
When you need someone to help NOW, you do not always have the time to go find them, or even to send someone to get them, especially when you have to stay on the scene and take care of the situation, such as in the scenario.
There are other situations when we need to notify several people at the same time, such as cancellation of an event or service, a suspicious person, or updating others on an ongoing situation. We need to be able to make a mass call without walking to the office or a house phone to use the public address system. Or we want to tell just a select group. Above all, we do not want to distract or disrupt services, classes, or events unless necessary.
This is where a notification service proves its worth. Not everyone is on the two-way radio system. We may need to call a specific group or the congregation as a whole. More than 100 notification services that do this are available, using phone messaging, SMS, social media, and email. Many are geared for large businesses, organizations, and institutions. There are some companies who serve smaller clients, such as churches. There are subscription fees for their services, and most offer free trials for a short time or a limited number of calls.
One of these providers is Alert.Church. Their website [2] says they reach people with text messages and emails. The local administrator (Church Safety Director) uses a dashboard to set up the app, to create target groups, and to sign up members. For the last item, the administrator sends a code to selected people for signing up. These persons are put into one or more groups (such as Dr. Bonner in the Care Team group).
Alert.Church has three plans at three subscription prices: Basic Coverage, Standard Plan, and Advanced. Each has unlimited emails and a covered number of SMS (with a per message fee for over that number).
Kris Moloney names a few of the groups you may set up: Safety Team, Children's Ministry, Staff and Volunteers, Congregation. Subjects of messages may include weather watch, following a suspicious person, calls for evacuation or lockdowns, medical emergencies, lost children, etc.
Equipped for Code Blue
In the scenario above, the medical emergency (Code Blue if called on the radio) was a likely stroke. What if the fall had caused cuts and bruises, or fractures? What if it had been a heart attack? What if it was wounds from an attack, or a severe allergic reaction? For these instances and others, we would need some medical equipment and/or supplies. The Sheepdog Church Security (SDCS) Store on Amazon [1] has ten items of medical equipment/supplies:
- Medical Equipment & Supplies
- Lightning X Products Premium Nylon MOLLE Emergency Kit
- Wall Mountable Rapid Care First Aid 80093 First Aid Cabinet
- MFASCO - First Aid Kit
- Philips HeartStart Home Defibrillator
- Pack of 10pcs CPR Mask Keychain Ring Emergency Kit
- MCR Medical CPR Rescue Mask
- C-A-T Resources CAT Combat Application Tourniquet
- Emergency Pressure Bandage (Israeli Type) Dynarex 4 inch
- RATS Rapid Application Tourniquet System
- Nitrile Exam Gloves - Medical Grade
Lightning X Products Premium Nylon MOLLE Emergency Kit - This is a zippered pack made of lightweight load-carrying material and filled with North American Rescue gear, including First Aid and trauma response supplies. This is ideal to have on church sponsored outdoor activities away from the church campus. Price: $99.99 [1.a].
Wall Mountable Rapid Care First Aid 80093 First Aid Cabinet - This metal First Aid kit can be mounted to the wall in the office, gym, kitchen, or other suitable location. It is filled with several kinds of supplies - tools, bandages for cuts and bruises, and treatments for burns and for eye injuries - as well as a pocket-sized First Aid guide booklet. It is available in three sizes: 2-shelf, 3-shelf, and 4-shelf. Fresh supplies can be purchased wherever reasonably priced. Prices are $71.98 $109.46, $139.98. [1.b].
MFASCO - First Aid Kit - This orange, strap-secured bag has a complete emergency response kit for natural disasters. Besides First Aid supplies, it also includes a blood pressure cuff, stethoscope, emergency blanket, pen light, and select tools. This is a good way to take your supplies with you for a Code Blue with injuries. Price: $79.99 [1.c].
Philips HeartStart Home Defibrillator - There are times when CPR is not enough, and we need another way to restart a patient's heart. Thankfully, automatic external defibrillators were invented and are available. They are expensive, but reusable. The Philips HeartStart Home Defibrillator is recommended by Kris Moloney and is on the SDCS Store. The battery is good for 200+ jolts. Replacement contact pads and batteries are also available on Amazon (linked to from the SDCS Store page for the HeartStart). Prices: AED $1,275.00, Pads, $64.91, Battery $169.00 [1.d]
Pack of 10pcs CPR Mask Keychain Ring Emergency Kit - A CPR mask protects both the patient and the responder during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Because of contamination on both sides, disposable ones are preferable. The two-fold advantage of the CPR Mask Keychain Ring Emergency Kit is (1) these masks can be carried with you, readily available, and (2) buying them 10 at a time is more economical (and if you use one, you already have another one). Of course, we need to be aware of our inventory and replenish so that if we do more than ten CPRs, we will not have run out. Price: $10.99 [1.e].
MCR Medical CPR Rescue Mask - This costs more per mask than the keychain CPR masks, but it does have some advantages: (1) It has a port for attaching an oxygen tube. (2) It comes with nitrile gloves and antiseptic wipes. (3) The MCR can be cleaned, and it uses a disposable filter. (4) It comes in a hard case. Price: $8.95 [1.f]
Bleeding Control
C-A-T Resources CAT Combat Application Tourniquet - Tourniquets are used to stop severe bleeding, making them literally life-saving instruments. Made by North American Rescue, this is the official tourniquet of the U.S. Army. Basically, it is a belt with a windlass. It has several features making it easier to use under battlefield conditions, meaning it should be easy enough for most potential uses in church security. To avoid leaving on too long, it has a writable tab for jotting down the time it was applied. Price: $28.90 [1.g].
Emergency Pressure Bandage (Israeli Type) Dynarex 4 inch - Pressure bandages are used to control severe bleeding when tourniquets are not necessary. First Aid training teaches us to apply pressure to a cut to slow then stop the blood flow. With this Israeli type pressure bandage, you do not have to hold your thumb or hand on the wound for a long time. It is like a cross between a large-pad bandage and an ace bandage. The wrap fastened by a clip holds the pad and pressure node with constant pressure on the wound. Price: $6.89 [1.h].
RATS Rapid Application Tourniquet System - Designed by Special Forces veterans and made in the U.S.A. by Readyman, the Rapid Application Tourniquet System can be self-applied if needed, and is easy to use on others. Also, the extra long cord can be used on limbs too large for some other tourniquets. Price: $17.99 [1.i].
Protective Gear
Nitrile Exam Gloves - Medical Grade - Flexible sterile gloves are now the standard protection to avoid contamination of products handled. They are commonly worn by bakery and deli workers. They are also worn by healthcare professionals as they work on patients. This is two-way protection. It protects vulnerable patients from infections, and it protects care givers from contamination by patient-borne infectious agents. For applying First Aid in Code Blue situations, Sheepdog Church Security recommends medical grade nitrile exam gloves. No worry about latex allergies. Price: Dispenser Pack of 100 - $9.90, 1,000 - $34.65.
Get the free download, Equipped for Success, Essential Equipment for Safety Ministries by following this link:
- Sheepdog Church Security Store []:
- Lightning X Products Premium Nylon MOLLE Emergency Kit [],
- Wall Mountable Rapid Care First Aid 80093 First Aid Cabinet [],
- MFASCO - First Aid Kit [],
- Philips HeartStart Home Defibrillator [], M5070A
- Replacement battery [],
- Replacement contact pads [].
- Pack of 10pcs CPR Mask Keychain Ring Emergency Kit [],
- MCR Medical CPR Rescue Mask [],
- C-A-T Resources CAT Combat Application Tourniquet [],
- Emergency Pressure Bandage (Israeli Type) Dynarex 4 inch [],
- RATS Rapid Application Tourniquet System [],
- Nitrile Exam Gloves - Medical Grade [],
2. Alert.Church [].